Saved by God’s power

Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent and as we began the service by entering this time of watching and waiting, we then heard the Exodus story and saw the deliverance of the Lord that the Israelites received. We saw how God was guiding and had always been guiding the Israelites, even through slavery. He saw their hearts and knew the best path for them, saving them from conflict and keeping their eyes fixed on Him. We may not have extraordinary experiences like the parting of the sea, but every day of our lives we can choose to take one step further along the road to salvation, to keep walking in obedience with our Father who is leading us home, not turning back to the old life.

This passage gives us such a powerful picture of the Israelites being hemmed in on every side, of being completely helpless – their only hope was God.

The words of Exodus 14:13-14 are often used as words of encouragement and reassurance, but God was rebuking the Israelites. As Christians we are called to stand firm in the face of trials, trusting God to fulfil his promises and acting in response to His goodness, knowing that He can make a way when there seems to be no way.

But it doesn't stop there. Once God had made a way for the Israelites, they had to choose to step into the river and be rescued. Let's step into the river today, putting ourselves into a place where we are totally trusting in God – He will lead us home.🌊


Mary’s song, Advent hope


Captives no more, saved for freedom