Up to school year 8
Ampthill Baptist Church runs a wide range of activities throughout the year specifically for children that include weekly groups and clubs, services, a summer holiday club and special events, all of which are open to any child of the right age.
Children and young people are very welcome at ABC and play a vital part in our church life. We believe they are loved by God and precious to Him.
We are pleased to involve children in regular activities as well as run age specific groups.
Find your place
Weekly Kids Groups
For children, up to and including school year 8, we run a range of groups providing Bible teaching, worship, games and activities appropriate to each age group. We aim to support them as they explore faith and find out about Jesus and knowing God, and have fun and make good friends.
We also offer a creche supported by a team of helpers during the morning service
Messy Church
…this is church ....but not as you know it!
Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.
Messy Church at ABC is from 10.30-11.30am on Saturdays, approximately monthly, please check the calendar below for dates. Suitable for 0-9 year olds and their families, all are included in the play, story, songs, craft and activities with refreshments available. Messy Church is free to attend, all are welcome.
Coffee Stop
We run a free toddler club for mums, dads, carers and grandparents to bring little ones for play and chat. Lots of big toys, cars, slides, etc. are set out in the main church with room to play and wander round! Hot drinks, squash and biscuits are available with a friendly welcome throughout the session.
Coffee Stop
9:15am till 11:30am
Friday Club
Our very popular Friday Club is a place for kids in school years 7 and 8 to gather, make friends, play games (some messy!), run around, do some craft, have lots of fun and to learn about Jesus and his relevance in their lives. There are regular theme nights, with fancy dress encouraged! Entrance costs £1.50. Snacks and drinks are also available from the tuck bar.
Friday Club
For school years 7 and 8
6:45pm till 8:15pm
Book online for kids events
Calendar of all events for kids:
Special events:

Register your child
To properly look after the children who attend our events, we need their up-to-date details and the contact details of a parent/guardian. For your child to attend events run by Ampthill Baptist Church, you need to please complete our registration form, which can be done online.

Our top priority is looking after children and young people. All our leaders are DBS checked, undergo safeguarding, first aid and other training regularly and adhere to our safeguarding policy.