Our Mission
The church exists to follow God’s mission plan for the world, principally in making disciples of Jesus Christ – this is the core mission of the church, following the Great Commission of Jesus. It must remain the key focus.
In Matthew 28:18-19, Jesus says:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
This is expressed in ABC’s mission statement:
Ampthill Baptist Church, as Christians united together, is commanded to do this. Our vision at ABC centres on three statements, expressing who we believe God is calling us to be:
We are worshippers
We are disciples
We are missionaries
Our vision for the church expresses who we ARE in worship, discipleship and mission, in all of life, trusting in God to lead and change us and make us His people.
As God’s people, He calls us, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to do His work on earth. He not only invites but expects us to be part of His mission.
We are called to show God’s love, compassion and mercy to the world; to work for the sake of others; to work for peace, justice, restoration, growth, stability, security and so on. These are all part of our mission as Christians, part of being disciples of Jesus. Mission reaches the local community and extends to all nations.
The source of all our mission is what God has done in Christ for the redemption of the whole world, as revealed in the Bible…. The context of all our mission is the world in which we live, the world of sin, suffering, injustice and creational disorder, into which God sends us to love and serve for Christ’s sake.