Mission Partners
We can all live as missionaries, engaged with our world and community through how we:
Philippians 4:6-7
Ephesians 2:10
Deuteronomy 15:10
Isaiah 6:8
At ABC, we have a rich history of being missionaries, working locally and overseas. We are already active in mission across all ages, from the very young to the elderly, in the diverse activities of ABC. These include our gathered activities for worship; coming together to hear God’s Word, to pray and to share in fellowship; our mid-week groups for discipleship, outreach and prayer; groups and activities which aim to serve our community. We have also had a long-standing commitment to overseas mission. In 2014, we worked together to refocus on mission and chose four areas within which we would pray, act, give and send, both locally and in our global connections.
We seek to respond locally, nationally and globally to each mission area, considering how we can respond to the challenges through our current connections and activities, as well as through mutually beneficial partnerships with organisations who are ‘expert’ in their field.
What are our four Mission Focus Areas?
We focus on these four areas in our praying, acting, giving and sending:
The Christian Family
Education and Schools
Spreading the word
The Christian Family
BMS World Mission
BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organisation, working in around 40 countries on four continents. BMS believes in holistic mission, an approach that stays true to the Christian call to evangelisation without neglecting the duty to take care of the physical needs of the poor.
Education and Schools
Spreading the Word
Open the Book
Enabling every child to hear the story of the Bible at school in their primary years.
Open the Book began in 1999 and since then thousands of school children have discovered Bible stories, during assembly and collective worship.
Today, so many children could miss out on the great classic stories from the Bible – Noah, Daniel and the life of Jesus could be closed chapters if youngsters don’t get an opportunity to engage with the Bible.
That’s why Open the Book is so important. It’s a three-year rolling programme of themed and dramatised storytelling at no charge to primary schools. Teams of volunteers throughout the country use drama, mime, props, costume – and even the children and staff themselves – to present the Bible stories in lively and informative ways.
John and Tracey Feil, MAF
Until recently, John was a chemistry teacher with a passion of flying; now, he has taken up the role of Operation Manager for MAF in Juba, South Sudan. Tracey has left her school in Milton Keynes; she will use her skills and experience in education to serve the local community in Juba.
MAF operates aircraft around the world that enable faith-based ministries, relief and development organizations, church planters, and missionaries to reach people in isolated areas in developing countries. Whether it’s transporting relief supplies to a refugee camp, or flying doctors to a remote village, MAF aircraft and pilots bring more than just tools and supplies to a hurting world, they bring the Gospel of God’s love in a tangible way.
BMS Link Partners
Updates from our Mission Partners
We give to our Mission Partners
As a fellowship we have committed to financially support our mission partners directly from church funds. These partners and the gifts we give are decided annually at the Church Members Meeting.