Creation Care
You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Psalm 8:6-8
Ideas to take action
Walk or cycle to church more regularly
Switch to a sustainable bank account – Find out if your bank is investing in fossil fuels and look for alternatives here.
Reduce your energy usage – You could also consider switching to a green energy supplier
Buy Fairtrade – Look for the Fairtrade Logo to ensure you’re supporting better prices and working conditions for farmers in developing countries. You can go even further by following the LOAF principles when food shopping.
Calculate your carbon footprint using the BMS Carbon Calculator – You can then donate to BMS projects to offset any carbon emissions you can’t reduce.
Limit waste by reducing, reusing and recycling wherever possible – Also, join the Tearfund Rubbish Campaign through prayer, signing their petition and taking on the Rubbish Challenge
Wild Christian – Monthly email to explore practical ways to enjoy, nurture and defend God’s creation.
Field Notes Podcast – Explores environmental issues and hope for our world from a Christian perspective.
Documentary - David Attenborough: A Life on our Planet
The BBC also have a range of films, shows and podcasts available here.
Earth Overshoot Day – Marks the date when humanity’s demand for resources in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year.
A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues – Martin and Margot Hodson
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming – David Wallace-Wells
Planetwise: Dare To Care For God’s World – Dave Bookless
God Doesn’t Do Waste: Redeeming The Whole Of Life – Dave Bookless
L is for Lifestyle: Christian Living That Doesn't Cost The Earth – Ruth Valerio
Saying Yes to Life – Ruth Valerio
Creation Care – Full lifestyle audit to encourage households to make changes to care for God’s earth
Good with Money – Guidance and resources on being ethical and sustainable with our money
Doxecology – Songs on themes of creation, ecology & Christian hope
‘Guide to going green at home’ (courtesy of Friends of Bay Minette, Alabama)
Freecycle – Give and receive stuff for free, so we are reusing rather than putting in landfill
Recycle Now – Tool to show what and where to recycle in your local area
Share Flitwick and Ampthill – Library to borrow tools rather than buying
Climate and Environment Group
The ABC Climate and Environment Group aim to equip us as a church to respond to the climate crisis and environmental issues.
Pollution, resource depletion and waste are having a devastating impact on ecosystems and biodiversity across the globe, hitting the world’s poorest the hardest, destroying their communities and livelihoods. We believe responding to this is part of God’s call on us to be stewards of his creation and to act in times of injustice.
As a church we’ve part of Eco Church, an award scheme run by A Rocha UK for churches who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.
Their online survey and wealth of resources have helped us to access our environmental impact and to express environmental stewardship across our worship and teaching, how we manage our buildings and land, how we engage with our local community and in the lifestyles of our congregation.
Find out more about Eco Church here.
We’re also registered as a Fairtrade church.
For any further enquires, please contact our Church office