Captives no more, saved for freedom

We explored the freedom story in our Exodus sermon series with Alex. After seeing Pharaoh's heart harden over and over again, we finally saw the Israelites being set free from living as slaves to the Egyptians.

Just as God was clear that the Israelites needed to leave the yeast out of their bread, He was asking them to leave everything of their lives in Egypt behind. This is an example of how God can deliver us from situations, sometimes without us even knowing it!

Alex showed us how this whole story is a huge prophecy, pointing to how Jesus, the Passover lamb, would be sacrificed to set us free from sin. But can any of us say that we never sin? No, and that is understandable as "we have not been removed from the presence of sin, but we have been set free from the power of sin" and although we will still stumble, we are no longer slaves to sin! Let's be decisive in rejecting the 'old' and embracing the new life.

Our lives should reflect this new freedom and new life that we have in Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can grow to become more like Jesus, overcoming the sin that so easily entangles, and living in a way that makes a difference to those around us.



Saved by God’s power


Keys to the New Testament