Sent into the world
Yesterday, we started a new sermon series looking at the central chapters of Luke, and we will be following the life of Jesus up until Easter. When we read passages like this, hear that a new Alpha course is starting and talk about sharing our faith, we can easily assume that we aren't good enough for that. But in Luke 10 we see how the Lord appoints, equips and sends us out. It matters more about the sender than the sent, and we are the gatekeepers, there to introduce people to the owner of the house.
It was encouraging to read that the 72 were sent out in pairs! You might be physically alone at the moment, but the Lord is always with you, and being part of a church family means that we are able to share this life together. We were challenged to think about the people that God has put alongside us to encourage and help us in our life and faith, but also to think about the people we are called to be there for, too!
Together, we are called to the harvest. We are called to share our faith and to invite people to come and meet their Maker. We can expect to meet opposition and face rejection, after all, Jesus himself was rejected! But 'the harvest is plentiful' so may we be faithful workers, willing to invite both the open minded and hard hearted, all for the glory of our Lord.