Run the Race

On our first Sunday of 2021 we looked together at a passage where Paul describes the Christian life as being like running a race. With New Year's Resolutions to do more exercise or to read the Bible more, this analogy that Paul uses is really helpful!

Whether you consider yourself a runner or not, we are all in this race. We are called to keep running, choosing to follow Jesus, because He is worth following. As with all races, it is important to train! We should consider how we are running, what our 'diet & exercise' looks like when it comes to our faith; what we give our time to, what our relationships with others look like and what our relationship with God looks like.

However, unlike normal races, the prize is for everyone who enters, for all who choose Jesus. Jesus calls us to run with Him now, so that we can be with Him forever. We can run this race with confident hope, knowing that Jesus won the prize for us, so that we could join the race by grace, not by our own efforts. The prize is to know God, the prize is His presence with us.

This year, may we keep our eyes on the prize!🏆


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Zechariah’s song