The Good Samaritan

On Sunday we continued our sermon series through the middle chapters of the gospel of Luke and found ourselves on familiar ground with the parable of the good Samaritan. Simon challenged us to see this parable as a "Call to Kindness" which goes hand-in-hand with being "Kingdom-minded people" who do not have a limit on the love, mercy and generosity they show to others.

We looked together at how this parable 'Challenges our Prejudice': as we see so clearly through the stories Jesus told and throughout His interactions with people, the Kingdom of God is not just for people like us. Who might we see as our neighbour if we let our prejudices be challenged? There is also a 'Call to Practical Action': being someone's neighbour is when the gospel gets us to roll our sleeves up! Knowing and following Jesus is not an academic exercise, the Kingdom of God can be shown through our actions.

Finally, this passage causes us to 'Change our Perspective': instead of asking, "Who is my neighbour?" we, God's people, can say, "You are my neighbour." May we be a people who are known for acts of kindness, motivated to show God's love to the people around us in everything we do.🌏✨


God’s kingdom and prayer


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