God’s kingdom and prayer

We have been saying the Lord's prayer together as a scattered church throughout this pandemic season, so it was great to dig a bit deeper into it! These familiar words help to answer the question: Who is the King and how do we live in His Kingdom?

Jesus says WHEN you pray, reminding us that the privilege of prayer is given and open to all God's people. He then starts by telling us to pray to our Father. We have a relationship with God! We have a Father in heaven whom we can approach all day everyday through prayer. But we are coming to our Father who is also the God of the nations and His name is holy. Through prayer we come to the King, our Father, aligning our thoughts and perspectives with His. As citizens of the kingdom, we should allow our prayers to help us reflect on our own lives; how are we playing our part in the Kingdom of God?

If we're going to live life in the Kingdom of God then we need to know the Father, know that His name is holy, trust Him for all of our needs and through repentance accept the grace and forgiveness that He freely gives. Through this passage we get an idea of how much God cares for us and that He knows us! May we be shamelessly audacious in our prayers this week, choosing to enter into the presence of God.🙏🏼


Two kingdoms - who will we follow


The Good Samaritan