Two kingdoms - who will we follow

On Sunday morning we were back in the gospel of Luke, looking together at Jesus as our King. This passage in Luke (11:14-28) reminds us that there are two kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.

In this story we see how even though a man who was mute can now speak, the crowd want to see more! They falsely accuse Jesus of being directly in league with the devil, when the reality is that the demonic world cannot abide in the presence of God - there is no contest when Jesus confronts the devil.

But we all have a decision to make; our life is like a house and we have to decide whether we want to build our lives in the kingdom of God or in the kingdom of darkness. We give our time, energy and allegiance to living one way or another. Left unattended, our 'house' will be filled with other things, trying and failing to fill the God-shaped hole we all have in our hearts. "We may not be demon possessed, but we all need to be rescued."

We're not called to merely occasional intimacy; we're called to deep dependence and real obedience. The true King can give us life and bring us into the Father's welcome. Let's reflect on where our house is, where we are planted and rooted. Are we opening the door to Jesus day by day and closing the door to the other kingdoms that knock? Choose not to defy the King, but to desire Him. Not to reject the King, but to rejoice in Him.👑


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God’s kingdom and prayer