We are satellites

Yesterday, the 6:30 service was back and we began exploring what it looks like for us to be 'satellites,' in orbit around God, who is at the very centre of our lives and of all things.

We all put something at the centre of our lives. The world we live in encourages us to chase 'main character moments' with the focus on making sure that we have everything we could ever want. But we don't get to feel deeply fulfilled when we're only thinking about ourselves! Putting yourself at the centre is no match for what God has planned for you.

When something is at the centre of your life, everything else seems to revolve around it: your routine, your schedule, your mind and your energy. A lot of people think that putting God at the centre of their lives will mean a lot of boring rule-following, but it's not like that. Once you have set your path to be following Jesus, there isn't anything else that you need to do to earn eternal life with Him. But it doesn't end there - it doesn't make sense for us to do nothing at that point!

Church is a family who are all trying together to put God at the centre of their lives. When we put God at the centre of our lives, let Him take His place there, other people's needs naturally come before our own. This verse shows us that by following Jesus, we get to squeeze all the goodness out of life, and that's what Jesus wants for us; life in all its fullness now - from Him and with Him - and more to come.🔭📡


Keeping it real


Two kingdoms - who will we follow