Don’t worry - know your God

Yesterday, we continued our series in the Gospel of Luke, reflecting on how easy it is to find ourselves trying to feed the insatiable beast of greed, sometimes without even realizing it. This can mean we become a slave to worry, which is not the kind of life that Jesus wanted for us! We know that real, lasting security and deep satisfaction can only be found in God, but what do we do when we still worry?

Shaggy encouraged us to look at who God is and what He says in His word, to help us gain perspective when our worries overwhelm us. We looked together at our Creator God; in this passage we are called to consider creation when we worry, to look at the bigger picture and to look at the One who is behind the creation. Our creator God is also our Heavenly Father, who knows our needs, knows the number of hairs on our heads and is always with us! We are called to seek His Kingdom, for our God is a gracious King. Being part of God's royal family means we don't live for ourselves but look at what God's heart is set on. God is also our good Shepherd, who looks after His flock.

Our possessions are a gift from God, so we should rejoice in all that He has given us! But we need to make sure we don't become tight-fisted and hard-hearted but are ready to be generous with what we have and open to receive from a God who gives good gifts to His children.


Jesus, our perfect sacrifice


Wealth warning