Jesus, our perfect sacrifice

On Sunday morning, we looked together with Naomi at Jesus the perfect High Priest, who made the ultimate sacrifice for sins.

Just like trying to keep a pair of white trainers clean, we can often react to sin in the same way; trying to avoid coming into any contact with sin at all or working really hard to scrub it away when we do. But we can be confident that Jesus' sacrifice really was enough! Where the law brought God's people before Him, the life, death and resurrection of Christ was God being brought down before us. Jesus came in our place to live in total obedience to the Father. And now Jesus is sat at the right hand of God, his work is finished, full forgiveness is available for all who look to Jesus as Lord!

And yet, it is still easy to live under the subtle disbelief that what Jesus did wasn't enough. Let that sink in afresh today, you are forgiven. This means that we can have an intimate relationship with God, our Heavenly Father! So, let us respond by having faith and drawing near to God, seeking Him out as a beloved child looks to their Father. Taking hope and holding fast to our confession that God is faithful to His promises. And knowing that we are loved and showing that love to others, stirring one another up to do good works. May we live as free and forgiven people who overflow with faith, hope and love.πŸ‘Ÿ


Proactive Disconnection


Don’t worry - know your God