Proactive Disconnection

Yesterday was the last Sunday of the month, which meant we were back together for the 6:30! Simon challenged us to think about proactive disconnection; as a society we are more connected than ever through screens, messages, apps and technology, but are we connected to the one person that really matters? Jesus himself realised the importance of proactively disconnecting, often taking time away from the busyness of life to spend time with the Father, so how much more important must it be for us?

Simon encouraged us to try proactively disconnecting by spending time reading a physical Bible, giving us time away from screens, and to have a physical notebook to hand, so that we can take time to reflect on the things we've read and let God continue speaking to us. It's also important for us as physical beings to get outside and spend time in nature, especially at a time when so much of what we do involves a screen! When you do get outside, why not take time to reflect on what you're thankful for, what you're sorry for and be honest about what you're worried about, either with the people alongside you or in prayer.

Proactive disconnection is vital for our connection to God, so find a way of doing it that works best for you! When we take time to disconnect with the world around us, we give God time to meet us where we're at, to heal us and build us up, so that when we reconnect with life, we are stronger and better equipped! How will you make time to proactively disconnect, for the sake of your relationship with God?☕️


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Jesus, our perfect sacrifice