Called to active service

We are so thankful for the technology (working this week!) that enables us to continue meeting together and sharing in the online service. Yesterday, we were back in Luke's gospel and the passage contained a sense of warning, a sense of judgement and a clear message about being ready for the coming King. We don't know when He will come back, but we're confident that He will.

In light of this, we are called to Be Ready. God has placed us each in our own context, and we are called to actively serve Him in our workplace, in our home and in this world, being deployed as God's servants wherever He sends us. But the question is, are we paying attention to Him? Are we paying attention to our calling and being a blessing to others? Jesus is looking for those who are attentive to Him and in love with Him, and we see in the life of Jesus our God, the servant King, who sets an example to us of how we are to live as servants to our master, unseen but present in the Spirit.

We are called to serve God's people now, to look after God's sheep. This call is to all of us, whether you are in a position of leadership or not, to use your God-given gifts and skills, no matter how small and insignificant they may seem, to bring the word of God to those around us, feeding God's sheep. Let us be a church who are ready, attentive, faithful and obedient to our calling to active service by the servant King, and centred on God's word.💼


Don't forget the Mustard Tree! Or the Bread Roll


Proactive Disconnection