Wealth warning

It was great to gather as a scattered church yesterday to continue our series through the book of Luke. This week we saw Jesus issuing a 'wealth warning.' Because, as this passage reminds us, the value of life doesn't consist in the abundance of possessions. Each life has intrinsic, eternal value in the eyes of God and how 'wealthy' you are doesn't give your life any more or less value. We need to watch that we don't build our identity on and find our security in our worldly possessions.

We looked together at 4 areas where the rich man in the parable had the wrong perspective.

1) Blessing: he's got a good thing, but his response is to store it up for himself! We are called to use our wealth to bless others, and to find the blessing in being content before God.

2) Value: he has placed huge value upon things that won't last! God says you have a soul that has eternal value, and I would give you my love that lasts forever.

3) Time: this man thinks his time is all in his hands, but none of us know what lies ahead. We are called to trust in God's plan and in His timing, holding our plans lightly.

4) He has the wrong view of God: he has traded wealth for knowing God.
God's place in his life is either denied or ignored.

So, as we head into this week, let's ask ourselves: what are we living for? What's in our hands and do we hold it lightly? Let's praise God who values salvation more than stuff and ask for wisdom to use what we have to bless others and for His glory.💰


Don’t worry - know your God


Keeping it real