Political Authority

It was great to gather at our 6:30 service yesterday, looking together at political authority. Politics is part of all our lives, but it's up to us how much we get involved with it, from voting to protesting or simply praying for our leaders, we all have a part to play.

This passage in Romans challenged us to think about what submitting to government authority looks like, thinking about the difference between 'obedience' and 'submission' whereby we are called to submit to authority but be willing to face the consequences of not being obedient if what is being expected of us is wrong. Government in society is God-given and in general it is a good thing which helps to protect the weak, keep an eye on the needs of society as a whole rather than just one community and bring order out of chaos. However, those serving as politicians are still just people, so they won't get everything right!

As Christians, we want to be involved in politics as people who want to see God's kingdom on earth. That might look like praying for leaders, joining a local party or standing up for justice. But ultimately, we submit to God's authority, so it is important for us to know where the line is that we don't want to cross, where the authority clashes with God's way.🥾


God’s freedom, his children


Hold on, move on and Carpe Diem