Hold on, move on and Carpe Diem
On Sunday morning we continued through Paul's letter to the church in Galatia, where he continues to talk about the simplicity, supremacy and sufficiency of the gospel. We looked together at how we need to Hold on, Move on and Carpe Diem!
The first challenge in this letter is to Hold On to the basic truth of the gospel, not allowing other layers or qualifications to be laid upon it before we can be certain that we are saved. We can be encouraged by this verse reminding us that when we come to faith we don't just come to know God, but He comes to know us! Paul then goes on to express his frustration at how they don't seem to want to Move On in their faith, but they keep wanting to go back to their old ways, following religious rituals to help them earn their salvation. We are called instead to hold onto the truth of the gospel message and move on into gospel ministry, being "flawed-but-honest, loving Christians" who are integrated in society but remain distinctive because of our relationship with Jesus.
Last but not least, Simon challenged us to Carpe Diem! The gospel is often opportunistic and we want to be people that grab hold of opportunities to share this good news with others, trusting that we are held by an eternal God and that His gospel is meaningful, relevant and can still transform lives.⛷