God’s freedom, his children

Yesterday we untangled a tricky passage in Galatians which tries to help us understand what it is to be children of God and speaks about the freedom that we have because of that!

When it talks about freedom from slavery, the Bible is rarely talking about physical freedom from actual slavery, but rather freedom from being bound or constrained by the power of sin, which can take many forms in our lives. Paul is trying to emphasize how as Christians we are meant to be free but when we pursue things other than God, such as religious performance, money, power, achievements, we become slaves to those things. This passage reflects on the life of Abraham, reminding us that God's law isn't just a list of rules but is a way of life that brings freedom!

When we become a Christian, it is not through our own doing but through a divine act of grace and power, when we choose to believe God's promises. By faith, we become children of God, He has born us again into His family. You are adopted, you are free, sin need never rule over you. We will all fail, fall and get it wrong, but it will never weigh against our soul again. Jesus paid the cost, and we can have the freedom, joy and confidence that as we go through life, our identity doesn't need to be in our accomplishments, relationships or emotions, but in who God says we are – a child of God.🙌🏼


Annie Tanner Home Assignment (Nepal)


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