Tearfund at harvest

Marjorie and Pauline reminded us that Harvest is the crown of the growing year; all the different shapes, colours and flavours in this one basket give us a glimpse of God's transforming creativeness and His delight in the huge diversity of his creation. 🌽πŸ₯¬πŸ…
She reminded us that just as the farmer plants a carrot seed and expects a carrot, so when God planted us, He knew how we would grow in understanding and knowledge; through difficulties as well as the good times and especially through prayer, Bible study, fellowship and worship. God doesn't make mistakes.πŸ₯•
We were asked to think on these questions this week:
What has God grown in you this year?
What would you like Him to grow in you?
What can you give thanks for?


Hang in there… I AM THE LORD!


God’s people responding to God’s call