Hang in there… I AM THE LORD!

We continued our sermon series through the book of Exodus. Shaggy showed us how it is easy to treat the Old Testament as ancient history or dismiss the stories we're reading as children's Sunday school stories, but the amazing thing about the Old Testament is that it's the Bible that Jesus had and read and it gives God's people a real sense of identity. In this passage we saw the Israelites going through such hardship and Shaggy reminded us how fixating on a problem leads us to lose sight of where God is. We can focus so much on what we don't have, that we forget to focus on what and WHO we do have!

In modern language every time we read God saying to Moses, "I am the Lord and I will ..." we can hear God saying, "I've got this". Shaggy used a verse from a previous chapter in Exodus where God says to Moses, "What is in your hand?" Let's be bold enough to ask ourselves this game-changing question and use what God has given us to make a difference to the situations we find ourselves in.🧱🌾


Surviving the storm


Tearfund at harvest