Eager for change

We had our first 6:30 service since before lockdown and it was great to meet together both in church and at home. Martin spoke about the EAGERNESS that Zacchaeus the tax collector had to see Jesus, knowing that Jesus could be the catalyst for the change in his life that he both wanted and needed. He would find that Jesus was calling him, that the life-changing encounter with Jesus for the outcast was for him that day. And Jesus seeks and saves the lost still.

Martin reminded us through this passage that Jesus is in the business of transformation. There is always something that you can do and there is nobody that God can't use. He challenged us to think beyond getting things back to the way they were before, and instead looking at the radical acts of love and other changes for the better that we have witnessed during this lockdown season and sustaining those. Let's keep loving and looking after our neighbour, even if they are like Zacchaeus; a despised and rejected tax collector. God can still reach them, and God can definitely use you to do it.


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Fear, faith and courage