Drinking Tea While the House Falls Down
At our 6:30 service on Sunday we were thinking about environmental justice. Alex used the phrase 'Drinking tea whilst the house falls down' to emphasise just how huge this topic is, but how important it is not to be so overwhelmed that we don't do anything about it.
In Genesis we are called to reign over creation which comes with great responsibility to be good stewards. Not only that, but in Mark's Gospel we see Jesus' command to love our neighbours.
With this in mind, we reflected on the impact that our unsustainable use of resources has on the people and places where they have come from. There is an imbalance of resources in our world, with poverty forcing people to use up resources at an alarming and unsustainable rate. How can we be good stewards, honour God and love our neighbour? Alex challenged us to think about what we spend our money on, recognising the knock-on effect that consumerism and fast fashion has on our planet. You could also look into getting a compost bin, turning your heating down, shopping at charity shops, recycling and repairing things rather than replacing them! There are so many small things we can do, that make a big difference. How will you play your part? 🌏