Clothed with God’s power
Yesterday we celebrated Pentecost! The word Pentecost means 50 days and during these 50 days we find in scripture stories of the risen Jesus appearing to many different people. This was fundamental to the faith of the disciples who were now able to see everything Jesus had taught them in a whole new light - it was real! Jesus really was who He said He was, His words are true, and His promises will come to pass.
For the disciples, these 50 days were a time of great anticipation. Jesus repeatedly told them to wait, that a gift was coming, and that gift was to be the power of the Holy Spirit; the one Jesus said would be our helper. The Holy Spirit has the power to change us forever, to bring us a new identity as a child of God - our adoption by faith. By faith we become God's and are welcomed into His family! The Spirit also has the power to change us on the inside: we can receive a new nature, a new set of clothes and a new heart. God will always do a good work IN us before He does a good work THROUGH us.
As the Holy Spirit changes us on the inside, what happens on the outside changes too. Our lives become a reflection of the Spirit at work in us, bringing us peace, giving us patience, and enabling us to love others just as God loves us, to serve God and to be witnesses of the good news.
What power will you experience this week? Let's look expectantly at how God can work in and through us.🔥