One true Gospel
Yesterday, we began our new sermon series looking at the letter to the Galatians. Right at the beginning of this letter to the churches, Paul's passion for the gospel, for the One whom the gospel message is about and for the people the message is addressed to, is evident.
In the first part of the letter, we looked together at what the gospel tells us about God. He is a God who grants us grace and peace, a God who gave himself up to rescue us and a God who defeated the grave! But God is not just good and able, He is also for us. The will of the Father motivated Him to rescue us through His Son.
Hopefully you can look back on your life and tell stories of times you could see that God was for you!
Paul then gets straight to the point, an urgent reminder to the church not to drift from the one true gospel to which they have been called! Although this call is a demanding one, a call to self-surrender and putting God first whatever the cost, it is worth it. Because it is only in total surrender do we find the totality of His love, peace, joy and so much more! Let's hold onto this gospel, not settling for anything less.📮