Keeping on the way with Jesus
We finished our series in 1 Thessalonians and Andrew encouraged us through the words of this letter to guard our hearts, guard our life together & reminded us that God will guard his own, to the end. At first glance these verses seemed impossible to do but because joy is a gift from the Holy Spirit, it is not dependent on our circumstances, and we don’t have to do be joyful in our own strength! As this verse says, pray continually. Andrew noted that praying continually is different to praying continuously & that it is this ongoing conversation with our Heavenly Father that enables us to rejoice always! 🎊
We also had a chance to reflect on three things: looking back on God’s care & provision for us, looking at right now, what are we thankful to God for and looking forward, where are we hoping to see God’s renewal, rest or direction. These questions help us to give thanks in all circumstances & to keep practicing an attitude of gratitude.😌