Learning to live a carefree life!

It was great to hear from Ken, giving us this visual image of casting our anxieties on God, just like the people cast their cloaks onto the donkey on Palm Sunday.

Ken talked about how this isn’t an invitation to drop all responsibility, “care free living isn’t the same as care less living”, nor should we demand things from God. Instead, humbling ourselves, we should submit our worries & burdens to him, who is in control of both the burden & the back that is carrying the burden. Humility recognises that God knows best and this passage reminds us that God cares for us with love & compassion. We matter to God and he cares about the little and the big anxieties we are carrying.

Max Lucado said “No one can pray and worry at the same time” - cast your anxieties on Him today.


The good news in person - Christ Jesus


God’s glory and ethnic diversity - a thread through the Bible