Building our lives in Jesus Christ

🎈It is our 223rd Church Anniversary and we celebrated by opening our doors to a small congregation and hearing from Eddie Larkman, the Senior Pastor at Corsham Baptist Church. Eddie reminded us through this passage in 1 Peter about the surpassing worth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Coming to him means trusting him, believing in him and finding him to hold supreme value in comparison to everything else in our lives.

Jesus is described in this passage as the cornerstone, which in a building project wouldn’t just be the first laid stone but the stone that shaped the rest of the building; the defining stone. Eddie challenged us to ask ourselves if Jesus really is the cornerstone in our lives; are our lives built upon and shaped by our relationship with Jesus?

“Our life and destiny as Christians is all bound up in Jesus. Our story is shaped by his. Just as Jesus is rejected by the world, so are we. But, since he has been raised, honoured & glorified, so we will be.” We are called to live for so much more than ourselves, we are called to be Priests of the Most High and prophets of the King of Kings. We are called to offer our whole lives as praise to our Father God who has removed the barrier of sin between us and Him through the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We finished the service by having some time to think about these questions for ourselves, why not write them down and keep praying over them this week:
• Where in your life today are you tripping over the Lord Jesus rather than trusting him?
• How would your life be different if you truly believed that you are God’s special possession?


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