Stay alert!

As we continue looking at the book of 1 Thessalonians as a scattered church it is so encouraging to find that Paul’s words to the church then are still so relevant to us now. Covid-19 has brought trauma & loss unfathomable to most of us, but this letter helps us to focus on the hope we have in the face of death. Death will not have the last word for those who are in Christ! 🌱

As we believe that Jesus will come back to judge & to save we can also have hope in the face of judgement. But we need to allow what we believe to flow into how we behave, being sons & daughters of the light. We are called to be alert, not in response to a government guideline, but following a divine calling not to be apathetic, and to build one another up in faith, hope & love.🌿


It all seems so simple!


The God-honouring life