Knowing God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Who would have thought back in March that we’d still be doing online church in September! But what a blessing it is to still be able to gather to worship & dig into God’s word. Yesterday, Andrew spoke to us about our triune God & how the Father, Son & Holy Spirit are all at work in our lives. We were reminded that Jesus’ death & resurrection was necessary for us to be part of God’s family and the Holy Spirit brings us into God’s family. The Spirit of God is at work in every believer: equipping, enabling, encouraging, shaping & growing us to be more like Jesus.

“How you feel today about God is irrelevant to God’s presence, how you feel you might perform today, is irrelevant to God’s presence. That is the nature of God’s grace. He is with you and for you!”


God’s global reach


Jesus and His call to discipleship